Lightning is the phenomenon which accompanies the discharge of atmospheric charges from cloud to cloud or from cloud to earth. As lightning seeks the path of least resistance, it naturally tends to follow the shortest course between cloud and earth, such as buildings or towering projections. As illustrated, positive electrical charges gather in the clouds and negative charges gather in the ground. When the attraction between these two charges is strong enough they come together in the form of lightning. Lightning rod equipment, properly manufactured and installed, dissipates these charges.
The National Fire Protection Association states…
“There are few fire causes against which so reliable a defense is available as a lightning protection system properly made and installed.”
Lightning Causes Terrible Disaster
You are advised to provide lightning protection by…
- The U.S. Bureau of Standards
- Underwriters Laboratories
- National Fire Protection Association
- National Board of Fire Underwriters
- New England Insurance Exchange
- National Association of Mutual Fire Insurance Companies
- Mill Mutual Agencies
- American Institute of Electrical Engineers
- U.S. Weather Bureau
- Every State Fire Marshal and Insurance Commissioner
- Every Scientist and Authority on Static Electricity
Consider a lightning protection system for your home, business or manufacturing facility.
Protect your family, employees, your structure and it’s furnishings.